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Living with Eternal Values

Living with Eternal Values

Situational ethics, social pressures, and religious dogmas often cloud our decisions. When seeking an answer to “what should I do,” search the Bible first to see if there are any direct commands given regarding your decision: salvation, marriage, lying, stealing, adultery, divorce, child rearing, finances, and more. In eternity, God’s Children will stand before Jesus Christ at the Bema seat for evaluation of their obedience and the dispersion of rewards (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:9-10). The enemy’s children will stand before the Great White Throne for judgement and condemnation for their sin (Revelation 20:11-15) .

Beware of building your hopes for eternity on your feelings, your own logic, or what someone else says. Read the Bible. Study it. Ask God to reveal His Word to you. Remember: only two facts will matter in eternity: what God’s Word says and what YOU did in response.

1 Comment

December 13, 2013 · 8:07 pm